Trimble Siteworks
Trimble Siteworks software is designed to eliminate downtime by making every minute more productive. Handle complex files and 3D data sets quickly, so you can spot issues and solve problems before they slow you down. The modern interface is optimised for ease-of-use and productivity, and colourful graphics, natural interactions and gestures make Siteworks intuitive and easy to learn.
Trimble Siteworks is included in individually tailored Trimble Siteworks Positioning System packages, which includes the Trimble Siteworks Positioning System for Marine Construction package. The Trimble Siteworks Positioning System for Marine Construction package comprises of the Trimble MPS865 GNSS Receiver, GA830 Marine Antenna, TSC7 Controller or T7 Tablet and Siteworks software. Marine construction contractors can now collect topographic data, setup a base station or carry out a bathymetric survey using one system.
Key Features: