The HyDrone is a one-man portable, remote controlled and autonomous catamaran platform designed for hydrographic survey applications. Combined with the HydroLite portable echosounder kit, the HyDrone achieves the same results as more expensive RC survey systems. The wide profile, lightweight, watertight and durable construction of the HyDrone provides stability, portability and ruggedness, whilst powerful differential thrusters offer excellent manoeuvrability. The vessel is built with high quality marine components and materials, and easily disassembles for shipping and transport. The HyDrone is suitable for a variety of environments, including lakes, mines, harbours, settlement ponds, sewage treatment plants and rivers.
With the AutoNav option, the HyDrone is semi-autonomous and can be monitored while under way, in both manual and auto modes. The Mission Planner application runs on a base station laptop connected via radio telemetry link, and shows the geographical position and progress of the vessel in real-time against a survey area background map. Battery voltage, current, and capacity remaining is monitored through this link. Switching to remote control of the HyDrone is simple using a remote control unit (RCU) that offers up to 2 km range.
Instrumentation options: