The IC-F5022M is a marine base station perfect for any organisation that wishes to communicate with vessels from the shore. Its applications are varied, including marshalling races, and coordinating marina and harbour traffic. Organisations such as National Coast Watch will also find this a useful backup for any offshore emergencies. The IC-F5022M uses AC power by converting 240 V AC voltage to 13.5 V DC, and can be programmed for marine requirements of the individual user. This fully approved unit has an adjustable power level and a simple display makes it easy to use.
The IC-F5022M also has a very practical and easy to use battery backup version, ideal for any maritime organisation that is reliant on continual VHF Marine radio communications, such as marinas, ports and yacht clubs, and for temporary base station use, disaster or emergency use where mains power may not be available. This unit provides organisations with added reassurance by automatically switching from mains to battery dependant in the event of a power failure/outage. The batteries, which can provide up to 14 hours back up for the mains base station, will automatically recharge and the unit will switch back to AC operation when the mains supply is restored.
Note an appropriate operating licence will be required.