HF and VHF Tactical Base Packages
Barrett produce HF and VHF tactical base packages, namely the PRC-2092 HF and PRC-2084+ 50 W VHF base packages, both rugged and easy to use systems.
The Barrett PRC-2092 HF tactical base package, like the PRC-2091 mobile package includes the rapid docking system and power amplification to 125 W PEP, as well as the flexibility of dismounted communications when the PRC-2090 is removed from the docking station (additional accessories may be required). The HF tactical base package can be installed in a number of temporary base and fixed command configurations, powered by a variety of AC and DC power sources. A range of antenna options are available to suit different installation configurations. The standard package comprises of a PRC-2090 HF tactical transceiver, advanced tactical handset, vehicle docking station, rugged external mount speaker, AC Power supply and a tactical installation kit.
The Barrett PRC-2084+ VHF base package, provides a convenient docking station with power amplification to 50 W, as well as the flexibility of dismounted communications when removed from the docking station (additional accessories are required to use the PRC-2080+ as a hand portable). The VHF base package can be installed in a number of temporary base and fixed command configurations, and operated from a variety of AC and DC power sources. The standard package comprises of a PRC-2080+ VHF transceiver, vehicle docking station, 50 W VHF amplifier, advanced tactical handset, AC power supply module, rugged external amplified speaker and a tactical installation kit. Please note two PRC-2084+ 50 W systems are utilised in the PRC-2083+ 50 W VHF re-broadcast system, which is designed to link two low band VHF networks providing extended range to overcome communication difficulties due to distance or terrain.
PRC-2092 HF Specifications:
PRC-2084+ 50 W VHF Specifications: